
Head over to . . . . to read my whole story

Hi, I’m Melissa Chaves—a joyful (sometimes frazzled) wife and mom to four amazing children. I’m American, I married a Brazilian, and together we’ve built a life that spans continents. Our first two children were born in Brazil, and our second two in Thailand. Now, we’re raising our family in Northeast Thailand, where our hearts are devoted to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with unreached people groups. We also serve by running a prayer house and working to protect children and young women from the dangers of sex trafficking.

Motherhood has reshaped me in ways I never imagined. I’ve found deep purpose in caring for our home and raising these little world changers. Most days, I’m learning to be content in the beautiful chaos—whether I’m cutting dozens of tiny fingernails, handing out endless snacks, or refereeing yet another sibling squabble. It’s not always glamorous, but it’s filled with moments that make me laugh, sigh, and lean hard on grace. I’m striving to live out the heart of the woman described in Proverbs 31, grateful for new mercies (and coffee) each day.

Raising children abroad comes with unique challenges, and that’s what I want to share here. Yes, we’re missionaries—but we’re also just a family, navigating the highs and lows of life like anyone else. We long for the same comforts and joys you do, yet following God’s call often means letting go of those things. If you’re a fellow missionary, a parent raising kids abroad, or simply someone seeking connection in the midst of life’s transitions, I hope you find encouragement and a sense of home here.

Welcome to my corner of the world—I’m so glad you’re here.

Let’s Connect

I would love to know how I can best serve you! Connect with me through email or social media and let me know what are topics you would like to read about.

Melissa (Stoltzfus) chaves

Mahasarakham, Thailand

E: melissa.ms88@gmail.com


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Sara Salles Baptista

Find her on Instagram